Essential Oils & Allergy Relief

It’s that time year ya’ll…ALLERGY SEASON!! I love the warmer weather, the blooming trees and flowers, but I hate the allergies, and man oh man do I get the sneezes and the headaches.  

This week I decided to increase your defenses with some essential oil DIY sinus and allergy remedies.  First, we are going to look at three different ways to use an allergy support blend using the same four essential oils.

Allergy Support Diffuser Blend

  • 5 drops Tea Tree oil
  • 5 drops Lavender oil
  • 5 drops Cedarwood oil
  • 2 drops Blue Tansy oil

Allergy Support Inhaler

  • 2 drops Tea Tree oil
  • 2 drops Lavender oil
  • 2 drops Cedarwood oil
  • 1 drops Blue Tansy oil

Allergy Support Roller Bottle

  • 4 drops Tea Tree oil
  • 4 drops Lavender oil
  • 4 drops Cedarwood oil
  • 2 drops Blue Tansy oil
  • Fill with Fractionated Coconut oil

Who doesn’t love a good bath?  I know I do, and I try to take one weekly, as one of the kind things that I do for myself.  During allergy season I like to take sinus baths.  So relaxing and my it helps open my sinuses.   

Sinus Bath

  • 1 cup Epsom Salt
  • 1/2 cup Baking Soda
  • 7 drops Peppermint oil
  • 7 drops Eucalyptus oil

If y’all are like me sinus headaches can be one of the worst headaches you can get.  Eucalyptus oil is my go to oil for sinus headaches.  You can use topically on your chest, top of the nose, and temples to provide relief.   

Sinus Headache Roller Bottle

  • 4 drops Peppermint oil
  • 4 drops Lavender oil
  • 2 drops Eucalyptus oil
  • Fill with Fractionated Coconut oil

I hope some of the above recipes provide y’all with seasonal allergy relief.  

What are some of your favorite essential oil DIY sinus and allergy remedies?  I would love to hear your comments below.  




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