Back to School Diffuser Blends

We all know that Back to School can be a stressful time, for both parents and kids.  New schedules, morning and bedtime routines, homework and time to wind down from the day are a change that every family member has to get adjusted too. 

Below are 15 great Back to School Diffuser Recipes:

Let’s Focus

  •  1 drop Peppermint
  •  1 drop Lime
  •  1 drop Wild Orange
  •  1 drop Frankincense

Be Calm

  •  3 drops Lavender
  •  2 drops Vetiver

Good Morning

  •  4 drops wild orange
  •  2 drops Vetiver 

Mental Clarity

  •  2 drops Rosemary
  •  2 drops Cypress
  •  2 drops Lemon

Happy Kiddo

  •  2 drops Lavender
  •  3 drops Wild Orange
  •  3 drops Ylang Ylang

Perfect Attendance

  •  3 drops On Guard
  •  3 Drops Wild Orange

Sweet Dreams

  •  2 drops Serenity
  •  2 drops Wild Orange
  •  2 drops Breathe

Cranky Pants

  •  2 drops Elevation
  •  2 drops Frankincense
  •  2 drops Spearmint

Less Stress

  •  2 drops Balance
  •  2 drops Adaptiv
  •  2 drops Copaiba

Deep Sleep

  •  2 drops Cedarwood
  •  3 drops lavender
  •  1 drop Vetiver

Study Time

  •  3 drops Rosemary
  •  2 drops Wild Orange 
  •  1 drop Vetiver

Full Focus

  •  3 drops Cedarwood
  •  1 drop Wild Orange
  •  1 drop Vetiver

Rise & Shine

  •  2 drops Frankincense
  •  2 drops Peppermint
  •  2 drops Wild Orange

Need Some Motivation

  •  2 drops Tangerine
  •  2 drops Lemongrass
  •  2 drops Spearmint

Calm Mind

  •  3 drops Geranium
  •  2 drops Bergamot
  •  3 drops lavender

Any of these would also make great roller ball blends. Just add some fractionated coconut oil and roll away if you don’t have a diffuser handy. 

What are your favorites? I would love to hear in the comments below!





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