
What is Oil Pulling?

Okay, so maybe the idea of swishing around oil in your mouth doesn't sound all that appealing, but hear me out on this one because the benefits certainly outweigh the ick factor, I promise. 

Okay, so what exactly is oil pulling. Oil pulling is an ancient practice and cleansing technique that involves the simple swishing of a specific oil in the mouth for a few minutes each day. 

One of the main purposes for the habit is "pulling" a variety of toxins from the bloodstream. Some of the benefits include improved gum health, whiter teeth, clear skin, elimination of bad breath, and a healthy complexion. (See, I told you it was good stuff!)

Not to mention that a wide range of additional benefits have also been reported that include positive changes in cellular health, immunity, and the ridding of unwanted toxins such as heavy metals and microorganisms, resulting in more energy and much more. 

Wanna increase the benefits even more? Add an essential oil that targets an area of...

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