
My Top Tips for Homeschooling Newbies

Okay, so I know that I've been homeschooling for awhile now, but I know that for many of you you just became brand new homeschool teachers! 

Add this to the thousand other things I'm sure do and it can seem overwhelming. So I wanted to share my top 7 tips for homeschooling newbies- because if I can do it, YOU can do it! 

1. Don't stress....I promise you can do this!

2. Have a designated area to learn. Doesn't have to be perfect! 

3. Learn everywhere you go. School doesn't just happen in a classroom!

4. Get involved in homeschool groups and with their families. Community is everything, y'all! 

5. If something isn't working, give it one more try and then move on to something that does work for you. Learning can come in many different forms

6. Keep everyone on a schedule. You will accomplish a lot more this way.

7. Making school also about helping others and the community. Math lesson while baking cookies for the neighbor, anyone? 

Did I leave something off?...

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Back to School?

It's no doubt that this back to school year looks a little different than years past. 

I really just wanted to use this post to see what you guys were thinking. How you were feeling about all the changes? Are you planning to send your kids back to school? Will your kids be doing remote learning? What about homeschooling? 

There are so many things to consider this year besides what outfits to choose while back to school shopping. 

I am very blessed and fortunate enough to be able to work from home, but I know that not everyone has that luxury. 

Will you hire a tutor? Do you have to go back to work? 

So many questions. 

So what exactly do you do? How do we get through this unknown territory? 

I'd love for you to share your thoughts below, but please, keep it friendly. We are all just trying to do our best! 


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