
Top Ten Favorite Books of All Times...(well, for now anyways!)

If there is one thing I love to do all year it's read a good book, but there is just something extra special about a good book and the summer. 

Whether I'm curled up on my porch with a cup of coffee or I'm laying out on the beach, it doesn't matter. Reading during the summer is one of the best things ever. 

Like, ever ever. 

So to celebrate I've included my top 10 favorite books of all times. But you have to share with me some of your favorites too! I mean, it's only fair. 

  1. BIBLE- (always the best place to start!)
  2. Secrets of Six Figure Women
  3. The 5 Second Rule
  4. Love Walked Among Us
  5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  6. Take control of your Life
  7. Everything is Figureoutable
  8. The Go Giver
  9. Think and Grow Rich 
  10. Rich Dad Poor Dad

Okay, now your turn! 


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