
Product Spotlight: Air-X

Hey Y’all!!!  I wanted to do a quick shout out on doTERRA’s new amazing oil blend…..Air-X!!!  I am in love!!  

Air-X is a new blend that is crisp and clear.  It has a sweet smell that is great to diffuse in the morning for that perfect start to your day.  With an intense citrusy, woody, and faint herbal aroma that you just can’t get enough, it helps freshen and purify the air.

Air-X is a blend of natural essential oils including; Litsea, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Frankincense, and Cardamon.  This blend soothes and promotes feelings of openness.  

Air-X can be used both internally and externally.  Put a couple of drops in a diffuser of your choice or a drop on a diffuser necklace or bracelet and take the scent with you.  One drop in 4 oz of liquid makes for a refreshing treat.  

Energizing Diffuser Blend:

  • 5 drops Air-X oil
  • 3 drops Wild Orange oil

Fresh & Flirty Diffuser Blend:

  • 2 drops Air-X...
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Winter's Coming!!!

Oh my goodness!!  Did anyone take a step outside this morning and freeze?  It’s cold!!  

The temperature change shocked me and reminded me that Old Man Winter is on the way.  I try to always be a “glass half full” type of person so I’ll tell you first what I LOVE about Winter…fires, warm drinks, comfy blankets, Christmas, and the occasional snow.  Now I’ll be honest……Winter can also be a hard season. The Winter time brings some of the darkest and coldest days of the year.  Add in Covid and this Winter will no doubt be hard.  

So to bring some soothing comfort and warmth into your home, I’m going to give you TEN… Yes, you read that right, TEN amazing diffuser blends to help you chase away the Winter blues.  

Positive Energy Diffuser Blend

  • 3 drops Eucalyptus oil
  • 2 drops Bergamot oil
  • 1 drop Tangerine oil

Warm & Cosy Diffuser Blend

  • 2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil
  • 2 drops Wild Orange...
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Wake up!

I don't know about you, but I could seriously use all the extra energy I can get. 

I do my best to take care of myself, eat well, drink a lot of water, get enough rest (hahahahaha- Mom's will know why I'm laughing), etc. But sometimes I just need a little extra oomph. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my coffee. Like, love my coffee, but I feel like I've been drinking it for so long that somehow my body has become immune to it. And really it doesn't do anything to give me extra energy these days. 

So what's a girl to do? Life, as you probably know it, does not slow down for anyone, especially for a mom of seven. 

Well, lucky for all of us, there's an oil(s) for that. 

Single Oils

  • Basil: stimulating and reviving
  • Peppermint: invigorating and energizing
  • Wild orange: uplifting and rejuvenating
  • Lemon: cleansing and refreshing
  • Lime: energizing and enlivening


  • Invigorating blend: rejuvenating and energizing
  • Respiration blend: invigorating and reviving
  • ...
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