
Cooking with Essential Oils

Essential oils aren't just for the spa and diffusers anymore! Certain oils can be incredibly useful in the kitchen. This weeks blog includes tips and tricks for cooking with essential oils… 

Essential oils are the concentrated essences of the natural oils found in plants. When processed in a particular way, they are safe to use in cooking, much like you may use vanilla or almond extract.  

Before I go any further, it’s crucial that I mention that not all essential oils are created equally. Many oils sold for aromatherapy or even bath and body use are not suitable to consume. Before you even think of adding a drop to any recipe, be sure that the oils are food safe! 

Essential oils are a super handy substitute if you don’t have certain ingredients on hand. If you see that a recipe calls for lemon zest and you’re fresh out of citrus at home, a few drops of lemon oil can easily take its place. Similarly oregano, thyme, and basil oils can be used...

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Friday Favorites: My Favorite Oils to Cook With + Recipes

Okay, so today I wanted to tell you guys about my favorite oils to cook with. And I thought I would even share my favorite recipes with you too! 

First up, Lemon. I love our Lemon oil. You can add it to your water. You can add it to chicken recipes, but my favorite way to cook with Lemon oil is by making Lemon Fruit Dip. 

Try it, you'll see what I mean. 

Next, I love our Black Pepper/Pink Pepper oil. I make a mean peppered burger that the whole family loves. Even the pickiest ones. 

And finally, are you really cooking if you don't use Rosemary oil? One of my favorite comfort foods is mashed potatoes. My mouth is watering just thinking about them. And just when I thought mashed potatoes couldn't get any better, I found out they could...with Rosemary. 

Do you have a favorite oil to cook with? Or a recipe you're known for? You have to tell us! 

Lemon Fruit Dip
  • 1 package cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-2...
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Friday Favorite's: Fourth of July Edition

Okay, so who doesn't love a long weekend, am I right?

And I'm so excited that my first "Friday Favorite" series starts on the long July 4th weekend. 

Okay so let's talk about some of my favorite things about the Fourth of July. 

1. This is probably a given, but fireworks! Duh. Aside from the animals hating them I can't help but think they are just gorgeous. There's just something about fireworks, you know? The way they light up the sky. The way that no matter how old you are when you see them you still feel like a child, full of amazement and wonder. 

2. Um, the food. And I mean ALL of the food. I can't even pick a specific favorite because I am pretty sure that nothing beats a proper Fourth of July cookout. I can't even talk about it that much because it makes me so hungry. The burgers, the hotdogs, the fixin's, the sides, the desserts. ALL. OF. IT. Do you have a favorite Fourth of July food or recipe? I'd love to hear it!

3. Spending time with friends...

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