
Essential Oils & Pregnancy (part one)

Ah, pregnancy. One of the most beautiful events of life. Well, except for the constant throwing up, the swelling, the false contractions, the indigestion, and the constant cravings.

But still, beautiful nonetheless. 

Today, I wanted to share with you some of the best oils for pregnancy. Of course, you should always consult with your doctor or physician before using oils. 


Single oils

  • Wild Orange- energizes and lifts mood.
  • Ginger- relieves nausea and morning sickness. 
  • Peppermint- relieves digestive upsets and supports memory.


  • Soothing blend- soothes aches and pains.
  • Tension blend- relieves tension.
  • Metabolic blend- balances glucose levels and metabolism.
  • Digestion blend- supports digestion and relieves morning sickness. 
  • Women's blend- balances hormones. 


Single Oils

  • Clary Sage- broad spectrum support to labor process.
  • Jasmine- assists with labor and afterbirth.
  • Geranium- supports perineum, labor performance, mood and healing.
  • ...
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