
Arborvitae: Thuja Plicata

I know that sometimes choosing what oils you want or need or should have can be overwhelming. And when you ask someone to help you choose, it's hard because they truly all have a place in our lives and, well, I just hate choosing. 

So I thought I would just highlight some oils as we go along together. Maybe seeing what each oil can do and how many uses you can get out of just one bottle will help you choose as you build your oil collection. 

Let's start with one of my favorite oils, and yes, I'll probably say that a lot, but seriously, this is one of my favorites. 

Arborvitae. Think woody, majestic and strong. It actually means "Tree of Life" because the Arborvitae tree can live for over 800 years. 

It's main constituents are Methyl thujate, Hinokitiol, and Thujic Acid. It's great for antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and stimulant uses. 

This oil blends well with Cedarwood, Frankincense and Birch.

And just as a safety precaution, dilution is...

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