
Just for Beginners

I don't know about y'all, but when I started making the switch to safer, healthier products for me and those I loved most, I couldn't help but be completely overwhelmed with all the choices.

Where in the world was I supposed to start?

This is probably one of the questions I get asked the most. Where to begin? 

Now, I love all my oils and y'all know that. And I already came up with my Top Three Favorite Oils, but I wanted to share my top three oils for beginners. 

I always suggest that new people start with these oils. They have some great benefits. They smell amazing. And they are easy to understand. 

First up is Lavender. This oil is great for stress relief and calming effects. I love diffusing Lavender at the end of a long day or right before bedtime. It just soothes and calms the world around you. And it smells soooooo good. 

Next, is Lemon. This is probably one of my most used oils. I put it in my water. I use it to clean and disinfect. I diffuse it to...

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