
Do you smell that?

Ahh, it's finally here. Fall, one of my most favorite seasons of all. I feel especially grateful for it this year because, well, 2020. 

Now, I know that we should appreciate each season and not try to rush the season too quickly, but I can't help it, y'all when I think of fall and I think of pumpkins then I immediately start thinking of Christmas and holidays and cold winter nights spent with those I love most on the couch cuddled under blankets while the sweet fragrance of spice fills the air. 

So what the heck, let's just dive right into fall and the holidays because, if nothing else, we deserve it after the year we've had so far. 

Nothing says fall more to me than this first recipe. I love the way it fills my house.

Fall Freshner

  • 6 drops wild orange essential oil
  • 1 drop patchouli essential oil
  • 1 drop ginger essential oil

Combine oils in a 4-ounce spritzer bottle. Fill the bottle with water. Spray around the house. 

Mason Jar Candles

  • Lamp wicks (usually can...
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