
3 Reasons Essential Oils are Awesome

I hope y'all know just how hard it was for me to choose just 3 reasons why EO's are awesome. 

Because there are like SO MANY REASONS, but I know we all have things to do so I'll keep it to my favorite 3. 

In no particular order here we go.

1. The DIY potential is endless. Like endless, endless. You can seriously make so many things, y'all. And with the holidays quickly approaching this is something you are going to want to look into. From at home spa products to crafts with the kids, there is seriously something for everyone. 

2. They're for the whole family. Headache? I got you. Belly ache? I got you. Restlessness? I got you. Germs? I got you. Whatever anyone in the family needs, I got them. And I love that I don't have to worry about if they're filled with icky ingredients or not.

3. They bring all the amazing benefits of nature right to you. Nature is kind of amazing, y'all. And I'm a true believer that the good Lord equipped us with all the...

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