Learn how to get started!

With Essential Oils you can....

Help improve the lives of others

Take control of your physical, emotional & financial health.

Learn how to use natural products more in your every-day -life.
I want to get started!

Do you want financial freedom?

I help individuals realize the ability that exists within them, to take control of their health and finances.

Empowerment is my calling. And yes, I want to empower you with the information and with the tools you need to achieve a healthier, wealthier life.

Obtaining financial freedom is perhaps one the most liberating sensations – and I need you to understand that it is absolutely, 100% possible! Remember, I went from being a beginner to a dŨTERRA Blue Diamond leader in just FOUR years; and you can too!

I want to get started!

In just four years, I’ve changed my life, my family’s future – and I’ve impacted thousands of others around the world!

One simple moment, a small introduction to just one oil, changed everything for me.

Now, it’s my mission to bring this positive change to other moms – to empower them, to help them take control of their family’s health and discover step-by-step how to earn more than they ever thought possible.

True wealth changes everything! Are you ready to walk down that road with me and never look back?

Here's what others have to say...

Shelley Rogers

Alisha knows how to build, and if you listen to her, and do what she tells you, your business will grow! When I follow the system I have been taught, it works. And because it is a system, I can teach others the same methods, and it works for them. No reinventing the wheel, just follow the proven system Alisha teaches.

Dana Duggins

Working with Alisha has been such a gift from God.  When we met the first time, I told her my income goals and the hours I would commit to work.  She helped me create a plan and taught me the most effective way to sample and teach customers as well as how to train and support new business partners.  I was committed to doing exactly what she taught me…. I have been so blessed and blown away by how my business and income has grown. 

I want to get started!